Literature reports indicate that surgeon experience results in better outcomes for patients undergoing robotic prostatectomy. Surgery is individualized, so outcomes can vary. However, Dr. Kella maintains statistics of his case outcomes.
Cancer control is an important outcome for surgery. Technology such as 3T mpMRI has been very helpful in identifying the chance of cancer spread outside the prostate. If the cancer is inside the prostate, our positive margin rates are less than 10%. Significant margins are less than 5%. Case experience and video reviews have helped us keep our margin rates low.
Urinary control after surgery is a significant concern for patients. Nearly all patients have urinary continence prior to surgery. After surgery, patients recover their continence at varying speeds. A study showed that 82% of Dr. Kella’s patients were continent (defined as 0-1 pads) at 3 months after surgery. Younger and healthier patients tend to regain their continence faster. Nerve sparing and specialized techniques around the urethral sphincter help Dr. Kella achieve these outcomes.
Sexual function is the third part of the “trifecta.” This is the hardest aspect to quantify. Patients have varying degrees of sexual function prior to surgery. Also, some patients are not as concerned about function as others. Finally, sexual function highly depends on a bilateral nerve sparing approach. If this cannot be done because of inflammation or cancer spreading beyond the prostate, sexual function recovery is at risk.
In general, the majority of motivated patients who have good function prior to surgery will have recovery after surgery. Dr. Kella has a comprehensive rehabilitation protocol and can discuss your case with you.